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Note that the following roadmap might be subject to change.

For updates on the most recent developments, please directly consult the changelog in the IDE.



The playground is in maintenance mode and will not get any new feature updates.

You can still use it for hobby projects and to play around, but it's not recommended for professional use. The plan is to eventually merge FORGE and ARCHERY back together and provide a free tier in the latter, but there is currently no timeline for this.


The IDE is stable and under active development.

The current focus is on making it the #1 tool to forge reliable one-shot prompts.

On top of that, the following features are planned for the near future:

Planned features

  • Chat mode [under construction]
  • AIPI endpoints [under construction]
  • Prompt chaining
  • Data loaders
  • Vector embeddings
  • Connection to custom models
  • Automatic evals

Planned improvements

  • Better handling of token limits
  • Invites for team accounts